Puma HD Water Based OAT Coolant (Concentrate)

Technical Data Sheet

Puma HD Water Based OAT Coolant (Concentrate) is a water based engine coolant concentrate that contains proprietary organic acid technology (OAT). This product is free of ethylene glycol, silicates, phosphates, borates, nitrates, nitrites and amines. It is fully compatible with other similarly formulated OAT coolants. Our OAT corrosion inhibitors show little depletion from original levels during extensive laboratory and fleet testing. When diluted to 5% with softened or de-mineralised water this product provides excellent cooling system protection for passenger cars. However when diluted to 7% it provides excellent protection in petrol, diesel and gas engines, in, buses, tractors, trucks, industrial equipment and mining equipment. It can be used where an anti-freeze anti-boil product is not specified.

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